Saturday, October 24, 2009

Small Art Challenge

Second challenge for The Pink Couch.

Whipped together, lol, in about five minutes from after-party bits.

It's a 4"x4" card, ripped edge. The center part is from a blower-noisemaker; the braid at bottom is from crepe paper/streamers (purple tie and yellow part), a ribbon from a gift (orange part) and the rest of the blower-noisemaker-- the cardboard part you blow into -- (the blue part.) The flowers are torn bits of wrapping paper, with a tiny crumpled ball of wrapping paper for the center.

Thanks for this super fun!


  1. how did the brithday party go today!! are you a bit frazzled!

    You sure do make the most of what you have on hand!! Your wrapping paper flowers are pure genius!

  2. Hey, I recognize our orange ribbon! Yay. I feel like we're part of your artwork! Nice job, Christina, and great party!
