Monday, July 5, 2010


was a productive one!

Decided to upcycle some really cute packaging from my various goodies. Made some basic tag bases and went to town. These will be for sale on etsy for $5.

I think this one's really cute.

You can slip a little photo into this one.

Extra upcycled bits on this one.

Just a couple of the little ones.

Studio, part 1

So this is for people who think I'm always uber-organized. When I'm in the middle of making stuff, I have layers and layers of things. I just push aside and/or stack because I'm too into what I'm doing to stop and tidy. My grandma ALWAYS told me to clean as I go, but she was talking about in cooking. That I do do, but I hate cooking anymore, so it's kind of a moot point. I suppose those of you who love to cook probably can relate to the messiness, though. You get so into what you're creating,
you don't want to stop for the annoyances:)

Fixing a photo goof

It's as tight as it can get on the left side, but there are a couple of distractions in there. I'm not so into Photoshopping photos --
the journalist in me screams ethical foul.

But I'm not opposed to hiding the distractions:)

Here's the whole layout.

Layout interlude
This one's new. Keeping it simple to highlight the photos.

This one probably looks familiar. I forgot I had that other photo, so I had to make another side:)

Goofball interlude

Studio, part 2

All clean! Kinda.

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