Monday, September 28, 2009

Random Musings

I keep thinking of how silly E is with his stories and tales, and how he is able to put complex ideas together weeks and weeks after conversations about disparate subjects. The time changes so quickly. Here he is, a lanky 9-year-old already.

I remember the day about three years ago when he was so tired when I picked him up from school. I asked him if he was OK. "Yeah," he replied. "I didn't have a chance to take a nap in school today."

That laugh popped into my head when I got him today. He informed me, "Mama, it was SO weird! I was sitting in class when suddenly I just got SO tired! I told (his teacher), 'I think I have the sleep bacteria in my brain.' "

Speaking of ... something new with the girl today. She's been singing a TON lately, to her babies and just in general. She does this cute sing-song of "Ma-maaaaa Ma-maaaa" and so on.

On the way to pick up her brother, I watched as she pulled her blankie up to stroke along her cheek as she sang to herself. And she sang herself right to sleep. I completely broke down at the sweetness of it.

I hope my little girl never, ever loses this gentle, loving side.

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